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All you need to know before you schedule a lesson
Can I have access to any PPT's, videos, video model answers shared in online sessions?Online session notes, videos and PPT's can be sent to your email address automatically. If they don't arrive immediately - leave your contact details in the chat or drop me an email. Also, you can drop me a quick email if you have any questions or comments regarding sessions, session bookings, exam questions etc.
Will the online course be recorded?Yes, in addition, you will have access to all online material covered in the session, E.g. PPT's, copies of any whiteboard material used in the session.
Can I receive handouts/workbooks that work parallel to the sessions?All handouts and relevant workbooks will be sent as an electronic copy to your email. If you book a refresher course [normally year 10 students, ready for year 11] - usually in August - you will be sent hard copies 3-5 days before the course begins.
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